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I am a Christ follower who is in love with Jesus.

Friday, February 12, 2021

This IS The Way, Walk In It!

The path of a Christian life is riddled with ruts, boulders, steep inclines and sharp hair pinned turns.  When we find a smooth level place, it gives us a moment to catch our breath before the next sharp curve takes us close to careening hopelessly off the cliff. 

We must be alert, for the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion ready to gnash, shred and spit out our mangled minds and bodies.  Our soul cries out in anguish as the lion pierces yet another vulnerable area of our life.  When the end seems inevitable, he leaves un-expectantly moving on to the next victim at the cliffs edge.

We drag our bloodied bodies to shelter under a rock.  It is there the healing begins.  No more blazing sun on our open wounds.  No more dust swirling around landing on each raw open area.  The salve of the Holy Spirit reaches deep into the smallest hidden area, slowly healing each crevice.

Picking ourselves up, continuing one step at a time, mindful of the evil lurking behind each corner, each tree and each boulder, we look up drawing from His living water. 

The fresh wind tosses our hair and brushes against our cheeks.  Feeling the wind caressing our body, a sense of peace and joy enters every fiber of our being.  What refreshing, what much needed relief!

We truly have tasted again complete peace and comfort that only He gives.

Our paths are different but filled with similar challenges.  The ruts, boulders, cliffs, steep inclines and low, low valleys hit everyone from time to time.  

What do we do when hit with one of them?

For Example:

Do we hang on tight to our Healer, our banner and our comforter during the “hards” of life that pierce our hearts and torture our minds?


Do we wear cement masks to cover up the pain and challenges from those around us, pretending everything is okay?


Do we rattle off every sordid detail, leaving no stone unturned in our long, consistent and arduous battles, talking and talking but never listening to the Spirits voice?

What do we do?  Let us reflect on how we navigate these paths asking the Holy Spirit to guide us as we walk each step.

My Prayer:  I ask now that the Holy Spirit bring revelation to our hearts and souls, drawing us tightly to him no matter where the path takes us.  Let us be open and honest with ourselves as we seek HIS guidance for our lives.

Come Holy Spirit Come

You, Holy Spirit are our peace,

Our comforter and in whom

We hold onto during the storms.

Keep our eyes on you,

Let us soar once again

To tackle and overcome

Even in the depths of anguish and despair. 

Thank you for your loving kindness.

It washes over and through us

To bring healing.

Just when we desperately need it, 

You bring answers

To quench our thirsting soul.

Thank you for the resting place we find

In the shelter of the rock.

We give this path to you Lord, knowing it won’t be perfect, easy or pain free.  We trust in you.  You have healing in your wings and you guard us with an army of angels.

