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I am a Christ follower who is in love with Jesus.

Thursday, May 31, 2018


As a Christian, I look to the Bible and my relationship with Christ for consul, strength and help in times of trouble.  My daily Bible readings often cause me to pause and meditate on various promises in the Word. During a recent quiet time, the following verse stuck a cord within my heart.

“My Flesh and my Heart faileth, BUT GOD is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”  Psalm 73:26 KJV.

Here the psalmist acknowledges his struggles.  His heart is failing within him yet he goes on to say, “BUT GOD IS MY STRENGTH and MY PORTION FOREVER” (Italics added)

The psalmist was weary, yet he knew where his strength and provision could be found.  This strength is available to everyone.

When we lose the one closest to us and watch the last pile of dirt thrown on the grave, BUT GOD...

When our hearts are sick with worry over finances and just getting through the day, BUT GOD…

When our children are sick and we are alone to care for them, BUT GOD…

When the voice on the other end of the phone yells profanities and curses at us, BUT GOD…

When the roof is leaking, the pipes bursting and the furnace goes on the blink in the middle of winter, BUT GOD…

When we watch another friend say, “I DO” and we wish it were us, BUT GOD…

When we sit in the passenger seat as our teen learns to drive, BUT GOD…

When our kids refuse to call and seem to forget we exist, BUT GOD…

When we dread the mail because of another bill, BUT GOD…

When we lay in the ER or the Hospital room without our beloved’s hand to hold, BUT GOD…

When fear becomes our friend and worry our neighbor, BUT GOD…

When the light has gone out on our hopes and dreams, BUT GOD…

When we say goodbye and the last child flies out of the nest, BUT GOD…

When the alarm goes off and we wish we could stay in bed, BUT GOD…

When our arms ache and our back hurts from trying to keep up, BUT GOD…

When the pieces of our heart are shattered on the floor, BUT GOD…

When she walks down the aisle without her daddy, BUT GOD…

When the storms of life come in like a tsunami, BUT GOD…

Whether it be sickness, disease, finances, losses, loneliness or anything else this earthly life brings, remember BUT GOD!

He is out protector, our redeemer, our strength and our portion.
He fights our battles and brings victories even in the hard places of our life.
He is our portion and he shows us His love.
He overthrows the wicked who try to harm us and He is with us in the midst of all our storms.
He is our mediator and our inheritance.
He is faithful and strong showing mercy and grace.
He brings refreshment from unlikely places like he did for Samson when he needed it.

So when we are hit with the daily challenges of life, remember BUT GOD.

His Beloved Warrior Bride,
